The Future of Comics, the Future of Men: Matt Fraction's Casanova (Paperback)
Matt Fraction, Gabriel B , and F bio Moon's Casanova is a stylish adventure about a sexy, amoral, universe-hopping, time-traveling, science-fiction spy caught in a war between militaristic E.M.P.I.R.E. and the decadent and villainous W.A.S.T.E., led by a be-suited and bandaged cackling madman in sunglasses.But beneath its pop surface, Casanova is doing more. It challenges the corporate-driven comic book production model, in which Disney and Time Warner own all the major superheroes. And it critiques the vision of masculinity, limited and damaging, that informs so much of modern superhero comics and movies.
From Sequart Organization.
Geoff Klock has a doctorate from Oxford. He wrote How to Read Superhero Comics and Why in 2002 and he wrote another book that no one read cause it was a 100K-word study of seven poems and was only available in a ferociously expensive hardcover. He spoke about Fashion and Superheroes at the Met, got a grant to study Kill Bill, and made a Hamlet super-cut that got like 38,000 views on YouTube, which is a lot for a 15-minute video about Shakespeare. He rides a fixed gear bicycle to the Borough of Manhattan Community College. He teaches composition, old school British literature, and film. His arm has a titanium plate in it. One time he was in the circus, and another time he was in a play with Christopher Lloyd, and once he was in a conga line with Rebekah del Rio. He is pretty good at Twitter and Facebook and Tumblr?