Book Boyfriends with Jennifer Ryan!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

I asked a few of my favorite western romance authors…

Who is the book boyfriend you’d like to be your Valentine?


Maisey Yates, author of GOOD TIME COWBOY, says, “My Valentine book boyfriend is Jack Armstrong from COWBOY SEAL REDEMPTION by Nicole Helm. He’s a cowboy and a former Navy Seal and an all-around great guy who falls in love with a bad girl bartender. It’s a wonderful book!”


My sweet friend, Lori Wilde, author of HOW THE COWBOY WAS WON, sent me two recommendations!

“My western romance pick is Jodi Thomas's TALL, DARK AND TEXAN. The perfect marriage of convenience story. The hero is such a strong protector. Gotta love a man who'll take on another man's children to raise as his own. Romantic, tender and heartfelt.

My book boyfriend is from an oldie but a goodie, Bobby Tom Denton from Susan Elizabeth Phillips’s HEAVEN, TEXAS. He is so hot and the way he grovels to get the heroine back! Be still my heart.”


Carolyn Brown, author of COWBOY BRAVE, came back with another great recommendation. “The book boyfriend I’d like to be my Valentine is sexy Austin Davis from Laura Drake’s book, THE LAST TRUE COWBOY!”


If you love the romance of Valentine’s Day – dinner for two, heart shaped boxes of chocolates, flowers, and the perfect date – I’ve got 3 great stories for you in CONFESSIONS OF A SECRET ADMIRER.

Find your book boyfriend in my very own WAITING FOR YOU, Candis Terry’s SWEET FORTUNE, and Jennifer Season’s MAJOR LEAGUE CRUSH.


In case you missed it, DIRTY LITTLE SECRET – Wild Rose Ranch, came out in December. Noah inherits his step-father’s ranch, but has to share it with a woman he’s never met and knows nothing about – but he’s drawn to her like no other woman he’s ever met. What will happen when he discovers her dirty little secret?

I hope you enjoy all of these recommendations.


Happy reading!


Jennifer Ryan

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Good Time Cowboy: An Anthology (Gold Valley Novel #3) By Maisey Yates Cover Image
This title is likely unavailable. Email or call for price and availability.
ISBN: 9781335474612
Published: Hqn - August 21st, 2018

Cowboy SEAL Redemption (Navy SEAL Cowboys) By Nicole Helm Cover Image
This title is likely unavailable. Email or call for price and availability.
ISBN: 9781492641568
Published: Sourcebooks Casablanca - June 5th, 2018

Cupid, Texas: How the Cowboy Was Won By Lori Wilde Cover Image
This title is likely unavailable. Email or call for price and availability.
ISBN: 9780062468253
Published: Avon - March 27th, 2018

Tall, Dark, and Texan (A Whispering Mountain Novel #3) By Jodi Thomas Cover Image
This title is likely unavailable. Email or call for price and availability.
ISBN: 9780515145434
Published: Berkley - October 28th, 2008

Heaven, Texas (Chicago Stars #2) By Susan Elizabeth Phillips Cover Image
ISBN: 9780061731143
Availability: Available in Warehouse. Wait for Email Confirmation for ETA
Published: William Morrow Paperbacks - May 19th, 2009

Cowboy Brave: Two full books for the price of one (Longhorn Canyon #3) By Carolyn Brown Cover Image
ISBN: 9781538744932
Availability: Backordered - ETA Unknown
Published: Forever - January 8th, 2019

The Last True Cowboy (Chestnut Creek #1) By Laura Drake Cover Image
This title is likely unavailable. Email or call for price and availability.
ISBN: 9781538746431
Published: Forever - December 4th, 2018

Confessions of a Secret Admirer: A Valentine's Day Anthology By Jennifer Ryan, Candis Terry, Jennifer Seasons Cover Image
This title is likely unavailable. Email or call for price and availability.
ISBN: 9780062328595
Published: Avon Impulse - March 11th, 2014

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