Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour

Emi is an aspiring production designer, who was just gifted her brother's apartment for the summer. His only condition? She do something amazing with it. She’s not sure what that will be at first, but she has the whole summer to figure that out. Meanwhile, her internship at a production agency, sends her to an estate sale of a famous actor. A letter tucked into one of the findings at the sale leads Emi and her friend on a mystery.

Nina LaCour’s beautiful writing has a poetic feel to it. In addition, her details in describing Emi’s rooms allowed me to easily visualize them. What especially stood out to me with this story is the three plots: Emi’s growth as a production designer, the mystery behind the letter, and a romance. I liked the balance of the three elements, and how they worked together to keep developing the story. There were so many moments in this book that had me falling in love with the characters.


-Claire L

Everything Leads to You By Nina LaCour Cover Image
ISBN: 9780142422946
Availability: Available in Warehouse. Wait for Email Confirmation for ETA
Published: Speak - May 5th, 2015

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